Tribe: A group of people having a common character or interest.
At the beginning of my fitness career, I didn’t understand how important the relationships with my clients would be. Thirteen years later, I’d argue those friendships and the subsequent trust between us is what’s most important in achieving fitness goals. “Buying-In” to a program requires you trust the person whose mouth it’s coming out of. Staying consistent enough to significantly improve health requires a connection with your trainer that is strong enough to endure. Most importantly, to show up every day with a great attitude requires that we have fun (otherwise, what’s the point?).
To be successful, you need a Tribe around you for support, and that’s exactly why I’m here.
Sam Moses, MS
If you asked my wife Kinsey, she’d say I’m energetic, enthusiastic and sometimes a little loud. If you ask me, I’m just a guy that’s excited about life and what I get to do in it.
Fitness began for me in 8th grade at our local YMCA. I had always been involved with sports, so my older brother dragged me in for a workout to show me the ropes. I don’t think he knew the Pandora’s box he opened, because from that day on I never stopped going to the gym. By the time high school rolled around, I was lifting five days a week and reading up on exercise physiology by myself.
Slowly, I went through a paradigm shift. I realized that I wasn’t an athlete that liked fitness. I was a fitness nerd that enjoyed athletics. With that understanding, I earned my first personal training certification at age seventeen, and started working with clients. Immediately, I fell in love with training people, which caused me to change my future major from Engineering to Kinesiology.
From that point on, you could say the rest is history. I continued working in gyms as I earned different degrees and certifications, refining my practice and learning what actually works. Fitness became the driving force in my life, and it led me to some beautiful experiences, most significantly, meeting my wife at the athletic club where we used to work.
Looking back and planning forward, fitness is the greatest gift I have in life. It is the ultimate tool to improve mental, emotional, and physical health, and it teaches lessons that last a life time. It allows you to find out exactly what you’re made of, and provides an opportunity to build on that. I’m incredibly grateful that I found exercise, and I’m excited to share that experience with you.
Fitness tourism on our honeymoon!
My Education:
M.S. Applied Exercise Science - Concordia University of Chicago.
B.S. Kinesiology - San Diego State University.
Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist - NSCA.
Certified Personal Trainer - ACE.
Corrective Exercise Specialist - NASM.
Movement and Mobility Specialist - Mobility|WOD Institute.
Functional Movement Screen Level 2 Certified - FMS.
Prenatal & Postnatal Fitness Certified - Fit4MOM.
Over 13,000 Sessions Coached
My 2025 Fitness Goals:
Clean and Jerk - 275lbs
Back Squat - 400lbs
Run a 6 Minute Mile
Gain Strength - Maintain Weight (195lbs)
Earn One Educational Certification
Training Philosophy
The primary goal of fitness should be to better your body’s functional capacity. To me, that means three things:
Increasing your ability to perform physical tasks.
Decreasing musculoskeletal pain and the potential for injury.
Improving your body’s metabolic state of health.
To achieve this, I utilize a plethora of different modalities and concepts within my clients’ programs. Naturally, strength and conditioning are significant pillars, but we’ll also incorporate aspects of balance, coordination, nutrition, mobility, and a whole bunch of other ideas that might bore you here. The biggest idea to understand behind this philosophy is that it has a tangible “why” behind it. Sure, six-pack abs and rockin’ arms are fun in the mirror, but what’s the point if your low back hurts and you can’t ski more than two runs in a row? Or snowboard… if you’re into that kind of thing…
Training should transfer into your real life. Simply put, the work you do in the gym should give you confidence to perform activities and feel healthy outside of it. That’s my philosophy, and I guarantee that working together with me, you will become more capable, less injured, and, most importantly, healthier than you’ve been. If you’d like to get an in-depth look at some of my ideas, please visit the Learn page.